How to Register an Engineering Club
To register the club with the college go to: which will activate you with the college and Engineering Student Council for the remainder of this school year.
If the club is new, they will complete the steps below for ASUA registration:
On the main page, click “sign-in” on top right of screen
Once logged in, click on the avatar on the top right and select “edit profile” to update your information
Once your profile is completed, click on “Groups” (shown as silhouettes of three people” on the top header bar
Click on “All Groups” to find your organization
On the top of the screen will be two options: “Register new Recognized Student Organization” and “Register new Recognized Greek-Letter Organization”. Click on the appropriate button for your group (Greek-Lettered organizations must be formally recognized by Fraternity and Sorority Programs to use the second option)
Complete the steps on the next several screens
If the club has been recognized by ASUA in the past, they will need to complete re-recognition process:
On the main page, click “sign-in” on top right of screen
Once logged in, click on the avatar on the top right and select “edit profile” to update your information
Once your profile is completed, click on “Groups” (shown as silhouettes of three people” on the top header bar
Click on “All Groups” to find your organization
Scroll to your organization and click on the “Group re-registration” button on the right of the screen.
Complete the steps on the next several screens
Your club advisor also needs to complete the ASUA Advisor Workshop (it’s a 1-hour video full of very good information), using the following directions:
Go to EDGE Learning at
On top search bar, enter "ASUA" and select the "ASUA Club Advisor Certification"
On the next page, click "Register"
On the following page, click "Complete Registration"
On the subsequent page, click "Launch" to start the training